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What is it


Growing through the implementation of a good business strategy is a key element in business success. Strategy is not just about understanding your destination, it is building the path to get there.


A quote often attributed to the boxer Mike Tyson is "Everyone has a plan until I punch them in the mouth." That is often the challenge with business planning. It is a plan prepared for funders or the bank, sitting gathering dust in a corner or at the back of a cupboard. A snapshot in time with known facts. But things change.


A good strategic plan should be flexible, have clear actions on what needs to be achieved by when, and give clear guidance to both the management team and those below them on what is required to achieve the desired outcomes.



How it Works


Sitting with the major stakeholders we will understand your current challenges and what your desired outcomes are. We then can use the most appropriate strategic model and a wealth of current thinking to develop bespoke plans to create a strategic vision and create the pathway to get to where your business has the capability to be.



Expected Outcomes


A clear set of expected actions, with an expected time-frame and a clear understanding what can be achieved by your people and your business.


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